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How to Charge your Crystals

Writer's picture: Kathryn LouiseKathryn Louise

Before charging your crystals it is super important to clean them beforehand (see How to Clean your Crystals). Once you've cleaned them you have in essence reset them back to neutral and they are now ready to be programmed.

Some people like to just clean their crystals and start using them, but I find that programming them to your own energies creates a link between you and your crystals. This is especially beneficial when you're using your crystal to aid day to day life or even more overwhelming emotions or feelings like pain, stress, anxiety etc.

There are a number of ways in which to do this, most commonly people use Sunlight and Moonlight as discussed in the previous post. You can create your own ritual which is relaxing and mindful, building it into your own routine. Alternatively, I am going to talk you through a visualisation exercise that I use, which works on the mind, body, soul philosophy.

Most importantly though is setting your intention, you'll hear me say this a lot, and that's because what you put out you get back. Crystals are extremely sensitive to energies which is why they are so impactful when you use them in your day to day life. So no matter which option you go with, always ensure your intention is one of love, light and positivity.

1. Visualisation

Your brain is a powerful tool, however, what it cannot do is differentiate between what is real or imagined. Which is why when you experience ruminative, catastrophizing, negative thoughts your body reacts with feelings of sickness, anxiety, shaking etc. However, you can flip that round and use that weakness and transform it into a strength. Visualisation tools as such are an incredible way to not only rewire your brain, but promote day to day positivity.

Before you do anything else, understand your crystal, what are its properties, both emotionally & physically? What resonates with you? For example, Lapis Lazuli is fantastic for helping you overcome depression, alleviate insomnia, boost immune system and reduce stress (to name a few).

Keep in mind what resonates with you, as you'll need this for the visualisation exercise, I find jotting it down on a piece of paper helps, especially if you're new to the crystal you've bought.

Hold your crystal in the palm of your hand, I use my non-dominant hand, and place my other hand over the top. Bring to mind all of those properties you resonated with and set your intention. For the Lapis Lazuli example, say you resonated with feeling really stressed and suffering with insomnia, your intention may be to feel calmer, less stressed and anxious. Start seeing yourself in your mind feeling less stressed, this may be seeing yourself standing taller as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, your eyes may look brighter, happier and filled with a lightness. Continue to visualise yourself feeling awake, energised, free from bags under your eyes and a soft glow to your skin. Build this image up in your mind until you notice a shift in your physical self. Play around with this, what do you want to see in yourself and most importantly how do you want to feel.

You can stay with this visualisation for however long you'd like or you can even use this technique when working with your crystal for five minutes a day in the morning or evening or as of when needed. Now your crystal is attuned to you and it will amplify those energies that you have programmed, keeping you calmer, less anxious and promote a better night sleep.

Important - if you're working with your crystals frequently, it is important to cleanse and programme them regularly. I typically do this once a month or when I notice my crystals are being less effective. Remember, crystals store energies and the same is said for yours. If it has been lifting and transforming your own negative energies, these will need to be cleared away after time so that it may continue to aid you.

2. Sunshine & Moonlight

I have said it before, I'll say it again, intention is everything!!! The act of cleaning your crystals is one that you will develop over time, depending on what resonates with you. Everyone does it a little differently, I personally like to incorporate a mini visualisation when using sunshine and moonlight. I merely direct my intention towards my crystals, or hover my palm face down over the crystals, for a few minutes to attune them to my energies, keeping in mind what I want them to specifically target. It can be a 2 minute or one hour practice, but make sure you dedicate that time for you to do so. You want to focus yourself 100% and take that time not only for you but your wellbeing too.

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